Transport Licensing

Transport licensing is provided by the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley as an agent for the Department of Transport.

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Derby Administration Office

Licensing: Monday to Thursday 9 am to 2 pm.

CTT/HPT: Monday to Thursday 9 am to 1.15 pm.

Services available at Derby:

  • All Driver’s License Applications
  • Vehicle Registrations
  • Plate registrations
  • Vehicle transfers
  • Photo Cards
  • Computer Theory Tests (CTT and HPT, all classes)
  • License Infringement checks / suspension enquiries


Fitzroy Crossing Visitors Centre

Licensing: Monday to Thursday 9 am to 2 pm.

Get an online account with DoTDirect, making it easier to pay your licenses and manage details online.  Department of

 Transport or phone 13 11 56.

Services available at Fitzroy Crossing:

  • All Driver’s License Applications
  • Vehicle Registrations
  • Plate registrations
  • Vehicle transfers
  • Photo Cards
  • Computer Theory Tests (CTT and HPT, all classes)
  • License Infringement checks / suspension enquiries