Mosquito Management
Information on mosquito management can be found at the Western Australian Department of Health website or visit the Fight the Bite Campaign.
Residents of and visitors to the Shire of Derby/west Kimberley are reminded that the activity of disease carrying mosquitoes can increase with high tide and rain events. Please play your part in prevention and do their best to avoid being bitten.
The Shire of Derby/West Kimberley delivers a risk based mosquito management program that involves various preventative and remedial measures including:
- Monitoring of breeding sites
- Treatment of larvae in breeding sites
- Barrier spraying at public areas for adult mosquitoes
- Sentinel Chicken Surveillance program to indicate the presence of disease
- Trapping to identify mosquitoes
- Ongoing public education and awareness
The Shire also participates in the state-wide Department of Health Sentinel Chicken Program. This program uses flocks of chickens strategically placed in and around Derby and Fitzroy Crossing town sites to monitor for seroconversion of disease in the chickens.
For further information please contact the Environmental Health Team on 08 9191 0999 or