Public and Private Swimming / Spa Pools
The Shire has a role in monitoring the standard of swimming/spa pools to ensure they are maintained and operated in a manner that reduces risk to public health and safety. Compliance with Shire and Department of Health requirements will assist you in providing a safe and hygienic swimming environment.
Public Swimming / Spa Pools
The Shire undertakes routine inspections of public swimming/spa pools to ensure that pool operators are providing a safe and hygienic swimming environment for their customers. These inspections check the statutory requirements for barriers, signage and relevant equipment along with the collection of water samples for microbiological, amoebic and chemical analysis. Water samples are collected and tested monthly.
Private Swimming / Spa Pools
The Shire is required to assess building applications for new swimming/ spa pools to ensure that construction complies with the requirements of the Building Act 2011, including the installation of compliant safety barriers. The Shire also undertakes inspections of private swimming/spa pools every four (4) years to ensure the existing safety barriers are being maintained to a compliant and safe standard.
For more information on Swimming Pool Safety and Inspections click here.
For further information please contact us on 08 9191 0999 or
Useful Links
Building Act 2011
Laws and Rules for Pools and Spas
Keeping your swimming pool and spa healthy
Facts about Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Swimming and Spa Pools