Freedom of Information

What is the Freedom of Information Act?

Objects and intent of the legislation

The objects and intent of the Freedom of Information Act 1992, which became operational on 1 November 1993, are to:

• Enable the public to participate more effectively in governing the State; and
• Make the persons and bodies that are responsible for State and Local Government more accountable to the public.

The objects of the Act are to be achieved by:

• Creating a general right of access to State and Local Government documents;
• Providing means to ensure that personal information held by State and Local Governments is accurate, complete, up to date and not misleading; and
• Requiring the certain documents concerning State and Local Government operations be made available to the public.

How to lodge an application:

By Post, addressed to: In Person, at:

FOI Coordinator
Shire of Derby / West Kimberley
PO Box 94

FOI Coordinator
Administration Building
30 Loch Street

A Freedom of Information Statement has been prepared in accordance with Section 96 of the Act and can be downloaded via the link below.

Related information:

Information Statement 2024 - 2025

Freedom of Information - Application for Access to Documents