How to submit a Development Application Development Application Form Development Application Checklist Development Assessment Panel Subdivision Clearances Checklist When Planning Approval Is Not Required Request for Plans Local Planning Scheme No. 9 and Town Planning Policies
How to submit a Development Application
Development Application Form
Development Application Checklist
Development Assessment Panel
Subdivision Clearances Checklist
When Planning Approval Is Not Required
Request for Plans
Local Planning Scheme No. 9 and Town Planning Policies
Local Planning Scheme No. 9 (LPS9) which comprises of the Scheme Text and Scheme Maps is the statutory document that controls the use and development of land within the Shire of Derby/West Kimberley including Derby and the Shire’s two other gazetted town sites of Fitzroy Crossing and Camballin. Land Use planning for the Shire is also informed by the Shire’s Local Planning Strategy. LPS9 and the Local Planning Strategy can be found here.
Planning in Fitzroy Crossing and Camballin is also informed by the Fitzroy Futures Town Plan which is a policy based approach to land use planning and TPG1 Town Planning Guideline: Minimum Flood Level for New Buildings in Fitzroy Crossing and Camballin
The scheme maps show the classification of land (either as a reserve or a particular zone) and the scheme text prescribes the land uses which may or may not be permitted in the various zones via the Zoning Tables. The scheme text also establishes the requirements for the use and development of land throughout the Derby West Kimberley Shire.
The finalised Local Planning Scheme No. 9 was gazetted on Thurs 5 December 2024 and can be found here: Local Planning Scheme No. 9
PlanWA is a public mapping tool that provides access to planning, land and heritage data across Western Australia.
Visit the PlanWA website here for more information.
If you are a developer or owner-builder, there are important Commonwealth telecommunications rules you need to comply with. For more information visit