Impound Animals

Is this your Pet? We would like to reunite these pets with their owners.

Animal Information
Impound Number 125
Cage Number 9
Date In 17 January 2025
Time In 12:05 PM
Breed Mixed Breed Medium (Dog)
Colour Black
Sex Male
Other Details Male dog, black with white chest. Mixed breed, medium size. No collar. No Chip
Area Found Archer St, Derby

Lost/Found Animals

We all love our pets and are keen to ensure that you are reunited as soon as practical!

All animals found by the Rangers will be checked for a microchip or tag and attempts to return to the owner will be made. However, if your pet is lost and doesn’t appear on this page, please call the Shire and advise that your pet is missing, providing as much identifying details as possible.

Reclaiming Your Pet

If your pet is in the pound you will need to pay fees and charges at the Shire Reception (30 Loch Street, Derby or the Fitzroy Crossing Visitors Centre) to have it released. Once you have shown proof of ownership and all fees are paid an appointment can be made with the Ranger to attend the pound so your pet can be collected.

Pound by appointment, Monday to Friday between 8 am and 3.30 pm.

Applicable Fees

By law all dogs and cats must be microchipped & registered to a WA council. Additionally, all cats must be de-sexed (unless you are an approved breeder).

Impound Fees:

First impound - Currently registered $50 / Unregistered $75

Second impound within 12 months - $100

Third impound within 12 months - $150

Animal Maintenance Fee - $15 per day

Microchipping Fee - $55 (pensioner and multi-animal discounts may apply)

Registration Fee

Sterilised* (cat or dog) Unsterilised (dog only)
1yr / 3yrs / lifetime $20 / $42.50 / $100 $50 / $120 / $250
Pensioner** 50% of the relevant fee
Working Dog/s 25% of the relevant fee

*Proof of sterilisation must be provided at the time of registration to receive the discount.

**Pensioners must provide their concession card at time of registration to receive the concession.

Further Offences and Other Related Issues

If your pet continues to escape, you could be liable for penalties under the Dog Act 1976 or Cat Act 2011. These could be on the spot fines at a minimum of $200 or court action could be taken if your dog attacks another animal or person. Our Rangers are able to assist with containment advise.

Additionally, your wandering pet is more likely to be involved in an attack or fight, getting bumped by a car or contracting viruses like Parvovirus (spread by contact with sick dogs or their faeces) or tick born viruses like Ehrlichiosis (spread by Brown Dog Tick). All of these could lead to serious injuries, illness or even death of your pet.