Buy Local

Buying from local businesses supports our local community. The Shire of Derby/West Kimberley supports purchasing and procurement from local businesses, where possible.


Current Tenders and relevant documentation is available from our Tenderlink site. 


The Shire Of Derby/West Kimberley has streamlined its internal quotation process to utilise an online request for quotation (RFQ) portal where local suppliers will form part of an established panel arrangement through Local Buy Vendor Panel/eQuotes.

The Shire of Derby/West Kimberley’s goal is to help Council purchasing staff engage with local suppliers using a transparent and simple process. If you have any questions or want to register your business on Vendorpanel please contact

Derby Chamber of Commerce

Businesses are encouraged to register with the Derby Chamber of Commerce so that staff of the Shire, as well as other business and residents, are aware of their products and services when opportunities arise.

Visit the Derby Chamber of Commerce website here.